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Delayed Lock v2.6.3 play.google.com.delayedlock2
Not using any pattern-, PIN- or password-lock is a huge security problem, but reentering your PIN a hundred times a day can also be annoying. DelayedLock is a solution to this problem: After unlocking your phone, it will turn the lock screen off for a user defined amount of time.

You can turn your phone off and on as often as you want without entering your password/PIN/pattern again. After a certain time, it will automatically reactivate your lockscreen, so no stranger can access your personal data.

Additionally, there is also a notification in the Android status bar and a widget to immediately reenable the lock screen.

Features :
  • Delayes the requirement to enter pattern/PIN/password again after succesfully unlocked once 
  • Delay since 'Screen off' or since 'Last unlock' 
  • Ability to show a simple slider lockscreen when pattern/PIN/password lock is currently disabled 
  • Delay & customize the simple slider lock 
  • Quickly re-enable the lock through the Android notification bar or a widget 
  • Widgets & Shortcuts: Toggle Lock, Screen off, Screen off & Lock, Start Simple Lock 
  • Upgradable with free plugins: Unlock with WiFi, Bluetooth or location based and remote activate lockscreen via SMS 
  • compatible with HTC Sense & WidgetLocker, should also work with Tasker & Locale (untested, see Support-Thread) 
  • music controls on simple lockscreen (works with Spotify, Winamp, Google Music and more) 
What's in this version: (Updated : Apr 30, 2012)
  • fixed notification not in on-going section
Required Android O/S : 1.6+

Download : 300Kb APK

http://filemac.com/ij3ulrpgnbjo.html Delayed Lock v2.6.4.1
